Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops in the lining that covers the outer surface of some of the body’s organs. This cancer is usually linked to asbestos exposure.
Contact UsWhat is Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops in the lining that covers the outer surface of some of the body’s organs. This cancer is usually linked to asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma affects mainly the lining of the lungs (pleural mesothelioma), although it can also affect the lining of the stomach testicles or heart.
Over 2,600 people throughout the UK are diagnosed with mesothelioma every year, with most cases diagnosed in people aged 60-80.
Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to cure this disease but there are treatments available that are life-extending. Clatterbridge Private Clinic is the only provider in the North West that provides Pembrolizumab Immunotherapy outpatient treatment for this condition.

We work together to combine the highest levels of consultant-led care and patient choice with the most advanced knowledge and understanding of the disease and its forms.
Learn More About Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is almost always caused by asbestos exposure; this is a group of minerals made of microscopic fibres which used to be commonly used in construction.
It’s easy for these tiny fibres to get into the lungs where they get stuck, damaging the lungs over time.
It can take a while for this to cause any obvious problems, with mesothelioma typically developing over 20 years after exposure.
Asbestos use was completely banned in 1999, so the risk of exposure is much lower today, however, materials containing asbestos can still be found in older buildings.
Symptoms of mesothelioma tend to gradually develop over time. Generally, symptoms don’t appear until several decades after exposure to asbestos.
Symptoms of mesothelioma in the lining of the lungs include:
- shortness of breath
- chest pain
- fatigue
- a persistent cough
- loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
- a high temperature (fever) and sweating, in particular at night
- swollen fingertips
Symptoms of mesothelioma in the lining of the stomach include:
- stomach pain or swelling
- feeling or being sick
- loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
- constipation or diarrhoea
If your GP suspects you’re suffering from mesothelioma, you’ll be referred to a hospital for specialist tests. These can include:
- an X-ray of your chest or stomach
- a CT scan – a number of x-ray images are taken to create a detailed image of the inside of the body
- fluid drainage – if there’s a build-up of fluid around the lungs or in the stomach, a sample may be removed using a needle inserted through the skin so the fluid can be analysed
- a thoracoscopy or laparoscopy – the inside of your chest or stomach is examined with a long, thin camera that’s inserted though a small incision under sedation or anaesthetic; a sample of tissue may be removed so it can be analysed
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