Benign conditions
Non-invasive radiotherapy treatment for Dupuytren’s Contracture, Ledderhose Disease, Plantar Fasciitis, Eczema and Psoriasis.
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Conditions we can treat
The Clatterbridge Private Clinic provides an effective, non-invasive treatment using radiotherapy for those suffering from Dupuytren’s contracture, Ledderhose disease, Plantar Fasciitis or Eczema and Psoriasis.
Dupuytren’s disease
Dupuytren’s disease, otherwise known as Dupuytren’s contracture, is a condition where one or more fingers start to bend in toward your palm. It mainly affects the ring finger and little fingers, and it can develop in one or both hands. Dupuytren’s disease is caused by a benign thickening of the connective tissues, or fascia, of the palm and fingers. It usually starts with a small lump, referred to as a nodule, in the palm of the hand that is often mistaken for a blister or callus.
As the condition progresses, string-like cords develop under the skin, which can cause the affected fingers to be pulled inwards toward the palm, preventing the fingers from straightening. This is Dupuytren’s contracture.
Dupuytren’s is a common condition, and it usually arises later in life. It tends to affect more men than women. It can affect up to 20% of men over the age of 60 and 20% of women over the age of 80. The exact cause of Dupuytren’s disease is not known, but it is said to run in families.
The usual treatment for Dupuytren’s disease involves surgery to straighten the bent fingers, but this only usually takes place in the later stages of the disease, and it does not guarantee the issue won’t return. Low-dose radiotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that can treat the disease in its early stages. It has proven to be an effective treatment for Dupuytren’s, preventing the progression by shrinking the lumps, which reduces pain and prevents contracture.
Ledderhose disease
Ledderhose Disease, also known as plantar fibromatosis, is a condition that causes hard lumps and growths on the base of the foot. It is caused by the benign thickening of the connective tissue (fascia) in the sole of the foot. Small, hard nodules develop, as a result, which can cause pain and discomfort when walking, running or standing. As the condition progresses, it can cause issues when putting on shoes and a tightening of the base of the foot. It is often associated with Dupuytren’s contracture.
Ledderhose disease is quite rare and usually occurs in middle age or older, but it can develop at any age. It’s more common in men and around 25% of patients with Ledderhose disease exhibit symptoms in both feet. The exact cause of Ledderhose disease is unknown but you may be more prone to the disease if you have Dupuytren’s disease or a family history of Ledderhose disease or Dupuytren’s contracture.
Ledderhose disease is often treated in the early stages with shoe inserts and massage therapy to reduce pain or through steroid injections. However, low-dose radiotherapy has shown to be an effective treatment for Ledderhose disease, reducing pain. It is a non-invasive, quick and easy treatment with radiation aimed at the affected area in the foot to shrink and soften the lumps, slowing the growth and relieving pain.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is a common condition that causes pain on the bottom of your foot, around the heel and arch. It is often caused by straining the part of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes, which causes inflammation in the fascia.
Plantar Fasciitis can be treated at home in the early stages with special exercises and shoe inserts. However, if the pain does not subside or it keeps getting worse or coming back, low-dose radiotherapy treatment is an effective way to treat it and relieve the pain.
Eczema and Psoriasis
Eczema and Psoriasis are both relatively common skin problems that can cause dry, itchy, scaly skin.
Eczema, also often known as atopic dermatitis, is a non-contagious, inflammatory, dry skin condition that causes swelling, dryness, rashes and itchiness of the skin. It can affect individuals from early infancy to old age. The condition varies from person to person and comes in many different forms. It is not contagious, so you cannot catch it from someone else. The most common form is atopic eczema (a genetic condition) and affects 1 in 10 adults in the UK.
Psoriasis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the skin and nails, which causes pain and itchy, scaly patches on the skin. It occurs when the immune system causes skin cells to grow faster than usual, so dead cells build up on the surface of the skin.
Both conditions cause irritation and often leave the skin unbearably itchy, so patients feel an overwhelming need to scratch. During flare-ups, the skin can be sore, red, cracked and even bleed. Alongside the painful physical symptoms, many sufferers experience related sleeplessness, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.
Usual treatment regimens involve topical and systemic therapies in combination with phototherapy. However, patients with extensive, chronic disease may encounter treatment resistance, with limited or no success of these therapies. Low-dose radiotherapy is an effective treatment for both eczema and psoriasis, helping to relieve the symptoms.

Dr Ian Lampkin: “The safe treatment of benign conditions using low dosage Radiotherapy means patients can now have non-surgical interventions for these conditions, drastically reducing treatment and recovery times. In our consultation, I can answer all your questions and design the best treatment regime for you, delivered by our expert radiotherapists, here at the Clatterbridge Private Clinic”.
Non-invasive radiotherapy
Clatterbridge Private Clinic non-invasive radiotherapy treatment for benign conditions
Clatterbridge Private Clinic is one of the few specialist centres that offer radiotherapy treatment for benign conditions such as Dupuytren’s and Ledderhose disease, Plantar Fasciitis, Eczema and Psoriasis. We have a team of experts who specialise in treating individuals with radiotherapy.
The Clatterbridge Private Clinic team will be available to help and support you and your family during your treatment. You’ll be referred to an expert consultant with experience in the condition and conducting radiotherapy. We pride ourselves on making your whole journey with us as easy and comfortable as possible, and you’ll receive your treatment in our state-of-the-art clinic in a friendly and calming environment.
Your doctor will need to refer you to the Clatterbridge Private Clinic, and a first consultation will be arranged with your consultant, where you will be examined, and the options available for treatment will be given to you. The consultant will talk you through the whole treatment and consent for the process.
An appointment will be made for you a few days after the consultation to receive radiotherapy treatment. The treatment will take around 15 minutes in total, and just over a minute while under the machine. Normally, this will be repeated for 5 consecutive days, followed a few weeks later with a further set of 5 consecutive treatments.
Follw Up
On completion of your radiotherapy, a follow-up appointment will be made to see the consultant and check how you are getting on.
Consultant Specialist in non-invasive radiotherapy treatment
Dr Ian Lampkin
Dr Ian Lampkin is our consultant specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of Dupuytren’s and Ledderhose Disease, Plantar Fasciitis, Eczema and Psoriasis.
Dr Lampkin is a Clinical Oncology Consultant at the Clatterbridge Private Clinic, specialising in Urology – bladder/prostate – and Skin cancer radiotherapy, including benign skin and musculoskeletal conditions. He graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2011 and has worked with Clatterbridge since 2022, having completed specialist training. He is also the current Guardian of Safe Working CCC. In his spare time, he enjoys regular fundraising running for cancer charities.
He specialises in benign skin and musculoskeletal radiotherapy, including Dupuytren’s and Ledderhose disease, Plantar Fasciitis, PVNS, Keloid, Eczema, Psoriasis and heterotopic bone ossification.
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